You should have seen the pride in his eyes when he touched the top of the ladder!
[image: Snödroppe]
I have an English Flickr contact to thank for this photo. A while back he
left a comment on a photo I took at Karolinska, a very modern ...
Il y a 56 minutes
11 commentaires:
He certainly has on the right gear for this kind of climb! how sweet!
What a delightful photograph. Is this your son? Just the look in his eyes...he's gonna do it!
Oh, yes - I to become a boy when I look at your charming photo.
Sans doute un futu élagueur.
Bien la façade du ciné restaurée.
Initiative intelligente pour que le patrimoine cinématographique demeure.
J'aime bien les yeux : concentrés tout en se disant non je ne regarde plus vers le haut ni le bas, j'y suis presque !
What a precious little boy! He looks so determined to get to the top. This is a lovely photo!
His expression of determination is so adorable and precious! Even with the harness on, I think my heart would have been in my mouth if I were watching!
Son expression de la détermination est si adorable et précieux! Même avec le harnais, je pense que mon coeur aurait été dans ma bouche si je devais regarder!
No it's not my son, i have a girl and a second in 4 month ...
> Claude
Oui c'est une bonne initiative car ils auraient pu la laisser se délabrer.
Well, Arnaud...congratulations! Two girls. They will give you a run for your money. Maybe one or both of them will be climbers, too!
Wow, I love this boy, aside from being cute, I love his determination.
adorable !
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