Ceci est le bout de la promenade des anglais, derrière il y a le port.On reconnait a gauche la tour bellanda.
This is the end of the promenade des Anglais, behind there is the port. You will recognize on the left the Bellanda tower
17 commentaires:
Arnaud, this is an omigod! picture!
Nice, sharp photo of an incredibly beautiful piece of real estate.
This view is already gorgeous, but I'm sure the view from that tip must be even more magnificent!
Beautiful Arnaud!
I have been watching the Nice cam website. I would love to be back in Nice walking into this photograph.
What a beautiful place for a walk!
C'est vraiment une jolie vue , que de couleurs !
You capture so much of the joy of 'being there', Arnaud. This is a beautifully composed shot with its curves, verticals, horizontals, colors, textures all coming together in harmony. I particularly love the person on the beach, bending over to have a closer look at something, and that exquisite blue water gently lapping the shore.
Nice view! Great shot!
It's a beautiful scene.
c'est pas le bout le la prom', c'est le quai des états unis avec rauba capeu (le virage)
la prom commence au casino et fini à l'aeroport
Arnaud, what a just fantastic picture of my favorite spot in Europe. Can you imagine staying in that incredible building - then throwing open the shutters in the morning and being right there in the middle of one of the best views in the world. Wow. You really capture the magic of a special, special place. Thank you!
And indefinitely it is not far :)
Can fill a blank...
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