Another colorful facade. It is taken in the port of Nice to the opposite of the Sea.
Just another pretty picture of You Know What. Pat bought me a Leica V-Lux 5
last year, and it has an astoundingly sharp lens. I've been using it almost
Il y a 1 heure
10 commentaires:
Another superb building of Nice...the sculptures are wonderful and the colors outstanding.
Is this a private home?
I particularly like the figure with the playful.
Fantastic relief and so colorful! I like it that it's not perfectly symmetrical and the figures all represent something different.
magnifique, on se croirait devant un temple romain
Très joliment rénové !
Belles couleurs.
Magnificent! Simply, magnificent.
Wow. That's something else.
Oh it is great!
Lovely blogg you have
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