Voilà ce que pour moi m'inspire le theme de ce mois ci!! J'essaie d'avoir le plus souvent au pied ce genre de "chaussures" qui sont en fait des palmes car ma passion vous l'avez compris est l'apnée. J'essaierai d'ailleurs de faire quelques clichés sous marins mais je n'ai pas encore le matériel pour ...
That is what inspires me for the theme of this month! I try to have the most up to this kind of 'shoes' which are actually flippers because my passion you have understood is the apnea. I will also make a few shots of submarines, but I have not the equipment ...
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7 commentaires:
Comme d'habitude, vous êtes toujours différent ...
As usual, you are always different ...
ça c'est vrai ;)
Bonjour feet! Nice feet meet French feet! Cote d'Azur feet greet flipper feet! Funny feet, beach feet, strange scuba feet! Where are Arnaud's feet? Nice feet are nice feet! Your theme feet are a treat! EAGAN daily photo feet greet from my friendly Minnesota feet street! Au revoir French feet!
I've never seen fins like that before. A great idea for theme day.
Interesting shot for June Theme Day! Good job!
A fun photo! I like it!
Nice perspective between the feet! A fun photo!
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