Elle fut construite entre 1782 et 1797, en même temps que la place Garibaldi par l'architecte Antoine Spinelli. La chapelle du Saint-Sépulcre de Nice appartient à la confrérie des pénitents bleus . Rarement ouverte elle recèle un tableau de Van-Loo qui bien que d'origine hollandaise est né à Nice et a beaucoup travaillé pour les souverains piémontais.
The Chapel of the Holy Sepulcher or Blue Penitents chapel on Piazza Garibaldi. It was built between 1782 and 1797, together with the Garibaldi Square by architect Antoine Spinelli. The Chapel of the Holy Sepulcher of Nice is for the blue brotherhood of penitents. Rarely open you can find inside a Van Loo painting that although is Dutch but was born in Nice and has worked for the rulers of Piedmont.
5 commentaires:
What a gorgeous structure! I especially like the columns and the clock!
I suppose it is rarely open because the blue brotherhood of penitents are doing penance for something or other...
Interesting building!
Ravissant baroque. Je trouve qu'il devrait être interdit de garer sa voiture devant de tels lieux les jours de passage des blogueurs ! Bon dimanche !
Rarely open? Why? It's such a very interesting building, especially the ornate details.
I love the surprise of the fountain, and that startled looking pedestrian. Really nice image, Arnaud.
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