Si vous voulez un ballon en forme de chien, de coeur, d'épée, de casque ... c'est à lui qu'il faut demander. Il est pas mal son chapeau non ?
If you want a balloon shaped dog, heart, sword, helmet ... you just have to ask him.
Have you seen his hat ??
A happy play of light and shade in Bandra.
Linking to Black and White Weekend
Il y a 47 minutes
7 commentaires:
Très intéressant! ce type de jeu est la joie des enfants dans le monde!
I love the colors against the gray background. Lovely!
A fine hat it is!
You've captured each of them with their own thoughts. I wonder what the blonde woman is thinking. And the balloon long did he practice? And that little mop of a real dog, what does he think of the colorful balloon dogs. From such a simple picture rise so many questions.
Only in Nice could you have such a hat naturally.
Il faut de tout... ;-)
What a fun photo. I wonder if he loves his job?
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