Attention en ouvrant les volets au réveil ...
Bon dimanche à tous :o)
Be careful when opening the flaps on waking ...
Have a nice Sunday :o)
Cherry Blossom Alley
[image: Cherry Blossom Alley]
Back at Kungsträdgården. Usually a very busy place, but not so much in late
January. This is where I shoot all the Cherry Blo...
Il y a 3 heures
11 commentaires:
Hi Arnaud, this is a simple shot with great effect, nicely done.
Excellent eye, Arnaud. I'd say you'd also want to be careful when shutting the flaps or you might get one of these pots in the face!
Great idea, and great shot.
Il y a un cactus, en haut à droite, je ne voudrais pas dire...
Maybe they don't close the shutters are night! Too right, they'd need to be careful. Nice shot and thanks for yesterday's muguet. Happy 1st May - late - to you too, Arnaud.
Dans la vie, il y a des cactus ...
I guess so! Wouldn't want to drop one on somebody's head!
hohoho...neat >"<
Ta photo ne manque pas de piquant ! je ne pouvais pas m'en empêcher...!
Hehe - interesting but a bit dangerous for those who are passing down:)
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