Aux premiers abords on croit etre devant une boulangerie, mais et regardant de plus pret, il s'agit en fait d'une boutique de vetements.Je trouve ca original et agréable d'avoir conservé l'ancienne façade
At first glance it is believed to be a bakery, but, looking more ready it is actually a clothing store. I find it original and fun to have kept this old frontage
7 commentaires:
Clever. I suppose one pops in there for a deliciously, sweet thing to wear.
Could have fooled me! The front is really a deep colour, isn't it!
Could have fooled me! The front is really a deep colour, isn't it!
Do they still sell croissants and baguettes in zere??!
Décalè et intelligent :)
Oh yes! I love the color!
Nice is nice :)
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