Après quelques jours d'absence involontaires, je retrouve Nice et son bord de mer.
Certains vacanciers profitent encore des activités aquatiques bien rafraichissantes sous un soleil de plomb
After several days of involuntary absence, I'm back in Nice .
Some vacationers still enjoy water activities very refreshing in the blazing sun
6 commentaires:
Allo, Arnaud! Tout va bien? Tu nous manques ...
La Méditerranée toujours bleu ...Magnifique photographie!
This looks like great fun. I like the way you've composed this to include the tailings of this enterprise as well as the fruit.
Great parasailing photo, Arnaud! Welcome back - we certainly missed your daily snaps!
Welcome back Arnaud!
That looks like so much fun! Have you tried it?
Oui tout rentre dans l'ordre
merci :o)
>Leif Hagen
No i haven't, i do not like to be on the air, i prefer to be under the water ... in freediving
Looks fun@! Is that a pebble beach or sand beach?
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