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samedi 27 juin 2009

Lush dans la Rue ...

C'est assez inhabituel de voir dans la rue des gens simplement habillés d'un tablier!
C'est en fait l'équipe du magasin Lush rue Massena (magasin de cosmétique frais faits main), qui militait contre les emballages inutiles, comme par exemple en proposant des shampooings solides et non liquides ce qui a pour effet d'intervenir de façon écologique sur toute la chaine de production (moins d'emballages, moins de transports, moins de stockage etc ...)

It's quite unusual to see on the street people just dressed in an apron!
It is the Lush team store rue Massena (store fresh handmade cosmetics), which campaigned against unnecessary packaging, such as offering solid shampoos and non-liquid which has the effect of intervening in green throughout the production chain (less packaging, less transport, less storage etc ...)

11 commentaires:

Hilda a dit…

Well, I agree with their advocacy. But people here would go into conniptions if that gimmick is done here! :D

Amy a dit…

oh my! Did anyone get offended by their nakedness?

cieldequimper a dit…

Excellent !!! Et dire que j'adore les produits Lush !

Jilly a dit…

Too funny. Love it. You passed at just the right moment, Arnaud. No one would be offended by nakedness in France, Amy and in any case, they are not naked, just showing nice neat bottoms!

brattcat a dit…

Those are three sweet bottoms. My niece just began working for Lush. I wonder if this is part of her job description. She didn't mention it.

glduro_marieloupe a dit…

Si ça soit une mode, nous aurions une population de nu dans les rues du monde ...

Babzy.B a dit…

Voici une campagne qui va marquer les esprits ;)

Arnaud a dit…

No, as said jilly, in france that make raise a smile !!

lol :o)

Nathalie H.D. a dit…

Quelles jolies fesses ! On a un magasin Lush ici mais à ma connaissance il n'y a pas eu de campagne fesses nues. Si je l'ai ratée, dommage pour moi !

Jane Hards Photography a dit…

I fully support their cheeky protest.

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